March Break affords much freedom, and this week, Julie and I took some for ourselves. While our parents each took one of the girls, we went to Toledo do do some shopping, spend sometime alone together, and visit the Toledo Zen Center.
This is my immediate sangha, 2 hours and one nation away. Over the years that I have been going down to there, it has changed from a arduous adventure, to a quick little jaunt. I attribute this partially to familiarity, but mostly to the increased importance of Sangha in my life.
Touching in with people who practice always has a nourishing affect on me.
I am still the one who needs to sit, work with anger and difficult people, be mindful of the precepts and practice compassion to all beings. (No one can take my naps for me ;) )
Despite all of this, it remains important to me to connect with other practitioners. It helps me keep my arrow pointing north. It helps me to not get lost. It helps me to not get overwhelmed.
It improves my practice.
In Kinhin, we take the focus cultivated in Zazen and put it into motion. We endeavour to develop a working samadhi that functions in all actions.
In the Sangha we engage others with the mind of practice. Others who also practice, and support us. We endeavour to manifest the same compassion and fresh mind when we meet the rest of world.
When I can't be there, I still have other supports. My wife, the TZC forum ( and the podcasts ( are big helps. But being able to maintain a sense of a larger community of practice feeds my spirit.
I take refuge in the sangha.
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