Thursday, April 22, 2010

Working on it

Tomorrow, at the end of my work day, I leave for sesshin.  Sesshin is a zen retreat that focusses heavily and almost exclusively on zazen.  It is very hard work and extremely fulfilling.  Zazen is so much more than sitting quietly.  For me, one way to say it is that it is the pure working of the mind.  Letting the stories go, letting the dramas go, there is just mind perceiving whatever arises and not getting hooked by it.  Sounds simple, but it takes a lot of work.

The availability of sesshin in my life has changed a lot over the last year and a bit as the sangha of the Toledo Zen Center has continued to grow and develop.  It has reemphasized to me, how important community is.  Family and friends have their function in our lives, but so does the spiritual community.  Although the work of zazen sits solely on my shoulders, sitting with others makes it easier.  Although I can sit at any time in the course of the day, being able to meet with people regularly makes it easier.

For me, sesshin is the Nth degree of this.  Coming together as a community, simplifying the retreat schedule to emphasize this individual effort, we all sit together.  Isn't that wonderful?!  On paper, it does not seem like much.  to paraphrase my teacher...

We sit a bit, take little bitty walks, eat some rice.  We rest a bit too.  To someone who has done sesshin, there is humour in that description.  What is there when the mind is at rest?  Not asleep, not tuned out.  Rather, when it is settled but aware, quietly perceiving what arises.  Nothing more, nothing less.

Tomorrow, I will once again look closely at this question.

Have a great weekend.

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